I just interviewed many people, especially those who depend on online earning for their monthly salary. I started from new beginner until those who can be considered as a successful publisher. And what did they say aout how to be a success man? Not too many. Most of them believe that there are two keys success in online business, firstly is “focus” then secondly is “hard work”. They said that only with two key mentioned, they become rich with more than ten thousand dollars in every month. In case we’re living in the third world country, that’s a big amount of money, right? And I am pretty sure that it’s bigger than the official salary of any minister in Indonesia. However, although two keys success in online business above look very short and simple, but it’s not easy to do. Mostly, we fail because we don’t focus then drown into an endless boredom. So, here I will add another crucial keys for it. Do you want to know that? For me, instead what I’ve mentioned above, we still need “patience”. Don’t force yourself to get one day success. All needs a time and you should believe that all good things come to those who focus, hard working an patience.
Well, I think that’s all for this morning. If you have another idea, you’re always welcome to leave a feedback. Otherwise, just think about it for a while then reform your brain to start again. Good bye and I will see you tomorrow.
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