Yahoo continues to work at their own pace in the improvement of its main applications, this time we told you about Messenger, Soon to be updated with the ability to fashion in mobile telephony: video calls.
Apple has just approved and updated Yahoo Messenger application for iPhone to makes it possible for video calls from the iPhone 4 and other versions of Yahoo Messenger client for mobile and desktop. we already have Yahoo Messenger available in the AppStore, now this application is valid for the iPhone and iPod Touch allows us to get in touch with our friends.
Starting today, thanks to Messenger can not only talk to our friends, but also make voice calls and video streaming of live video. You can also call landlines and mobile phones at reduced prices with Messenger.
The application, Which also exists the version for computers known as Yahoo Messenger Would be Free, As similar as Fring. Unlike FaceTime the service free video calls Of Apple for iPhone 4, Yahoo Messenger either work on networks Wi-Fi or 3G .
Thanks Charice..